Cost for Purchase
Our market rate based cost benchmarks identify best practice manufacturing methods, process times and work-centre rates, as well as material prices bought out costs. We can provide much more insight than the 'best of 3' quote approach and help challenge market monopolies. We can ensure a profitable sourcing decision with reduced risk in a capable supply chain.
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Cost for Sales
In the modern supply chain many customers insist on at least some degree of Cost Transparency as part of the bid process. We can help take some of the pain away from this by training sales teams how to provide accurate and effective breakdowns and reduce the risk of under bidding. Our tools can identify high risk features and help to deal with them.
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Training & Coaching
Our City & Guilds qualified instructors are able to deliver our pre-prepared training in Cost Engineering or create bespoke training courses to suit your specific needs. These courses can be delivered at our venue or on site with you if that is preferred. Our training ranges from general Cost Awareness courses through to high end 1-to-1 training of your staff as required.
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